The document “^1” could not be opened, because the application program that created it could not be found. Do you want to open it using “^2”? The document “^1” is locked, so you will not be able to save any changes. Do you want to open it anyway? This control panel can only be run from the Finder. There are still people connected to this system. Are you sure you want to shut down? That is not the correct password. Please try again. There is not enough memory to print now. PrintMonitor will attempt to print again when more memory is available. Closing windows or quitting application programs can make more memory available. Nothing can be printed now, because PrintMonitor could not be found. To print, put PrintMonitor in the System Folder. At Ease does not support printing from the Finder. The At Ease Items folder could not be located. A fatal error has occurred. Error # At Ease requires system version 7.0 or later.